There are some key life events when people often turn to God and the Church. If you would like to have one of the services below in our church, please contact us on info@romseymethodist.church and our Minister Kate Cambridge will be in touch.

Baptism or Christening
If you would like to have your child baptised, the minister will meet you to talk through the service and the promises you would be asked to make. These promises reflect your own faith and raising your child in the Christian faith. If you’re not completely comfortable with these promises, you could have a service of thanksgiving instead.
It is also possible to be baptised as an adult and the minister would be pleased to discuss this with you.

We are delighted that you are thinking of getting married. If you’d like to get married in our church, the minister will meet with you both to get to know you and how the church can support you in your wedding and marriage. Our church is authorised to conduct marriages of same sex couples.
You don't have to be a member of the Methodist church, but the minister would want to understand why you would like to get married in church. And the Methodist Church is willing to marry people who have been divorced, as long as there are not any reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so.

Family and close friends are faced with many decisions when a loved one dies. Christians believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives them hope and cause for thanksgiving in the face of death. In this faith, we entrust those who have died to the infinite mercy and love of God.
You don't need to come to church to hold a funeral here or to ask the minister to preside at a funeral. Funerals can be held at the church with a service at the graveside or the crematorium, or just at the crematorium or graveside. The minister will help you plan the service and most importantly is able to provide ongoing pastoral support after the service.