4th July 2023
While many groups stop over the summer, we've still got a few things going on!

Tune tots 1:30-2pm on Wednesday 9th August
30 minute session of fun, music and chatter. We include a mixture of songs for 0 to 3 year olds with musical instruments. We include other visual aids such as bubbles or parachutes. Older siblings are welcome during the summer sessions. The Beacon Cafe is open straight after Tune Tots if you'd like to stay for a cuppa and some cake.

Tiddlywinks at the Beacon Cafe: Wednesday 16th August 2-4pm and Friday 25th August 10am-12pm.
Through summer the Beacon Cafe will be open every Wednesday 2-4pm and Friday 10am-12pm. There's always plenty of space for buggies, running round and a few toys. But on these two special dates, we'll have the Tiddlywinks leaders and extra Tiddlywinks toys. So pop-in a catch-up with others from Tiddlywinks families with tea/coffee and homemade cakes.

Who let the dads out? Saturday 19th August - 9:30-11am
"Who let the dads out?" has the feeling of a laid back toddler group. A place for dads and male carers to have fun with their children under school age. We have soft play, ride-on toys, a baby zone and plenty of space to chat. We also serve breakfast including Bacon Sandwiches. Please book to attend.