Advent services

Everyone is welcome

There is room

21st November 2022

This advent, we are joining in the national Methodist Church theme 'There is room' which focuses on everyone being welcome. We've adapted the specific service titles. 

November 27th - There is room for joy and sorrow

An All-In service led by Rev Gareth Hill

December 4th - There is room for questions and doubt

Led by Jason Elkin, children are invited to COGs part-way through the service

December 11th - There is room for wonder and surprises

Led by Rev Gareth Hill which will include Holy Communion. This service takes place in the hall. Children are invited to join Funday Sunday in the main church. 

December 18th - There is room for you and me

An All-In service led by Marion Carter

December 25th - There is room for Jesus

Our Christmas day celebration led by Rev Gareth Hill